Next Paperback Hero’s Latest Chapter Shows Positive Growth - Shepherd Express

2022-10-09 03:14:32 By : Mr. Yukun Bai

Nathan Honore has undergone a transformation over the course of the past few years.

Like a superhero leaving a playful clue to their true identity, Honore stopped performing under his own name, and began writing songs under the moniker Next Paperback Hero—a name derived from his initials. Gone is the solo performer who was once told during a performance on Mother’s Day that he should consider voice lessons—reborn is the melancholic baritone voice that spins tales of self-reflection over folk-influenced indie rock.

In 2021, Next Paperback Hero released its debut EP Morning Skies & Heavy Eyes, a collection of songs that was partly written during the isolation periods of the COVID-19 pandemic. That album portrayed Honore as someone struggling with his place in the world in every-day life and in music. But it ended on a positive note, revealing that perhaps Honore has found a place of comfort within himself.

Enter Nowhere to Run, Next Paperback Hero’s latest EP. Featuring three new tracks, Nowhere to Run sees Honore continuing on the journey of self-reflection laid out in his debut. However, in these latest songs, we see Honore taking action.

“What I’m writing about, I’m trying to mirror it as an artist or an individual,” Honore says. “I’m trying to translate real life experiences as a musician—just trying to learn and advance.”

Nowhere to Run still has a heavy weight to it – Honore croons about facing his past. But there’s also an air of positivity in his storytelling this time around—he’s facing his past in order to better himself and grab ahold of the future he desires. Listening to Nowhere to Run feels like catching up with an old friend and noticing that they’re more vibrant and healthy than the last time you spoke.

“This album is about taking what I’ve learned in that important self-reflection period and taking the next steps,” Honore says. “You see it and you know it's there, so you either do something about it or you pretend it doesn’t exist.”

NowheretTo Run opens with “I Want To Be Sure,” a slow-burning welcoming mat that builds up to an explosive moment where Honore truly lets his voice shine as he faces his flaws head on, belting out: “No going back now/Nowhere to run.”

“I wrote this song very quickly and wrote like 50 different choruses in a day-and-a-half,” Honore says. “It’s got somewhat of simple lyrics, but I really love singing it. It has that energy that I can’t escape.”

Following that track is “Begin Again,” a song with an aura of triumph that taps into Honore’s love for Bruce Springsteen. The addition of brass instruments to Next Paperback Hero’s dark, folky sound is most forward here, with a resounding trumpet section celebrating the victory of a hard-won battle. Here, Honore transcends faith in his self-reflection: “The coast is my cathedral and I’m leading the procession this morning.”

Nowhere to Run concludes with “Shades of Blue,” a track that feels like it could have been on his previous release if it weren’t for the song’s message of moving forward. It’s a string-heavy ballad that sees Honore admitting his faults, but promising change. “Shades of Blue '' beautifully wraps up this short but sweet continuation of Morning Skies & Heavy Eyes, leaving the listener longing for the next chapter in this story.

If Morning Skies & Heavy Eyes was a jumping-off point for Honore, then Nowhere to Run is the trampoline at the bottom of that treacherous leap, bouncing him back up so that he can land back on his feet.

There’s a message behind Nowhere to Run for those feeling like they’re stuck in a rut or like they’ve reached an impasse. Honore drives it home as “Begin Again” comes to a close.

Over and over he sings: “We stop so we can begin again.”

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